Questions about town and parish councils
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Good morning

I am a newish parish councillor and wish to undergo training.

The clerk is saying it is upto councillors to decide.

Surely that can’t be right?

We have an unspent budget so far on training.

Any advice appreciated please.
by (180 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Check out and see if your PC has a training policy. You say that they have a budget amount then you need to inform the Clerk that you wish to avail yourself of the training. The clerk should also have a list of courses available to you and as stated this should then be put to the council for them to vote as to whether you can attend a particular course which they pay for.

Councils should be encouraging councillors to get as much training as possible to improve the overall efficiency of the council and their decision making on behalf of the community they serve( or should be)
by (28.3k points)
0 votes
Any expenditure requires approval by the parish council so I would expect your request to be submitted to the council for approval in the usual way.  Approval shouldn't be withheld as this is a formality but it depends upon your council.  I would also expect any councillor who has availed themselves of training (and I strongly encourage everyone to do so) to then pass on their knowledge in the form of a report to council at the very least afterwards.
by (21.3k points)
0 votes

It's correct that without an adopted scheme of delegation (which captures officers authority to spend) that officers cannot approve training requests (that command a fee) without assent of council. That been said one should be in place and suspect most officers would be delighted to see people actually wanting to go on trainning.. be preverse not to.. Most officers spoken to admit it like herding cats getting people to go to anything other than the annual conference (the buffet swings it..) locally..

by (9.8k points)

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