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If a Parish Meeting is being held to vote on buying a property & land that will raise the precept should the Parish Council provide the ability for residents to just turn up and vote. 

This discriminates against - 

  • Single Parents or families with childcare needs
  • disabled people who need carers to attend, 
  • deaf people who cannot sit and hear a whole argument and discussion
  • care/nhs workers
  • shift workers
  • low income families who have no access to view all the information for the sale

by (230 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Is it the PC buying the property and land? I could be wrong, but I don't think a public vote is required at all. If the PC has the funds and the purchase is legal, they can do as they wish as they have the mandate to do so. I'm not sure I understand the reason for opening the meeting to a public vote.
by (1.1k points)
Hi, thanks - the PC committed 12 months ago to hold a public vote on the purchase to get approval to be able to undertake a PWLB loan. They also stated that they would make the vote available for everyone -
The meeting has now been held and a Parish Poll was requested, so at least everyone gets a chance to vote now
Thankyou for your response

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