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I sit on out PC Planning Sub Committee and there is a planning application to knock down a car wash and replace with yet another Fast Food/Takeaway.  We have loads in our small market town and many residents are up in arms about this.
I have been looking at our Unitary Authorities core planning policies and there is no policy that can restrict too many of any one kind if business. I think I can state that I feel it is in breach of the core policy, about air quality in relation to the increased traffic this would bring to what is already an Air Quality Management Area, but this argument is quite weak.

I also have concerns about it potentially being a 24/7 operation as the garage its located in is 24/7, and of course the environmental impact from noise, smell, litter, bad parking and delivery drivers.

Does anyone know of any National Planning Policy that could be quoted, that may convince the Unitary Council to not grant permission?
by (610 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
From my experience (so please take it for what its worth) I would say you have little or no chance of getting the application turned down completely.

I would say there is more chance of getting reasonable planning conditions placed on it to limit, opening times, noise, litter, car parking etc etc.  You need to make a reasonable argument - not just "not in our back yard thank you very much".

I hope that helps.
by (12.0k points)
selected by
So we have found a number of Core Planning Policies within the Unitary Authorites Planning Book, that we are quoting to try and get it refused.   These are all based around the concerns of Parking, Traffic, Air Quality and Litter.  We are also requesting a number of conditions if the Unitary Authority are minded to approve.
0 votes
Check out to see if your council has a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) agreed and adopted. Within this you may find reference to limits on specific developments that have been set and have a bearing on requirements for the planners to follow.
by (29.1k points)

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