Questions about town and parish councils
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We have a village cemetery, along with a chapel in its grounds.

Would it be possible to hold parish council meetings in the chapel?

If so, would we require planning permission?
by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
One of the councils I worked for held their meetings in the parish church.  It was the only public building in the parish other than the phone box.
by (10.9k points)
One of my neighbouring councils came through May's election with so few members that a phone box would have been more than adequate!
At the end of Covid, my council did have a discussion about using the church for meetings so that we could socially distance properly but we decided against it in the end as our community is multi cultural with different faiths and it was felt that a church was possibly a little difficult for those not of a Christian faith to attend meetings.  I don't think it's illegal to use a church or chapel for meetings but you do need to consider equality and diversity in any such decision.
0 votes
As far as I am aware the only restrictions of where a PC can be held is on licensed premises i.e. the local pub. for the obvious difficulties of possible mixing of alcohol with PC proceedings. ( including public attending). The PC of course should use wisdom ( as stated) as to the suitability of their intended meeting venue including the level of health and safety provided compliance by the owners of the premises. Due diligence.
by (28.1k points)

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