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When members of the public ask questions of the PC with regards to process, procedure, policy or decisions (for instance, how was X decision reached?  What happens if a councillor inputs into a motion/resolution and has a connected and declared interest in the outcome? How does X process work?  How are standing orders changed?), are the PC required to answer if the question is considered "reasonable" and "proportionate" by the public?
by (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
When presented with an “awkward” question in a verbal format, perhaps at a meeting,, the likelihood is that the clerk and/or chair will state that questions may be posed but there is no obligation to answer them.
The only way you can forcibly extract specific answers to specific questions is via FoI but you have to be absolutely specific in your question and it has to qualify under FoI regs.
It’s slow, tedious and, unless presented with surgical accuracy, presents many opportunities for evasion, avoidance and delay.
by (26.3k points)
0 votes
When presented with any question at a meeting, it is possible that the council may chose to answer in writing after the meeting, assuming the standing orders allow this, unless the question is one that is fairly quick and easy to respond to.  Not only does this ensure the response is accurate and considered but if there are multiple questions, it avoids delaying the business of the meeting.
by (22.4k points)

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