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Can a motion proposed and passed in an annual village meeting (AVM) by referendum of the attending residents, be subsequently (18 years later) overturned by a vote of the Parish Council or does it have to go back to a referendum held at an AVM?
by (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Such refrendums/parish polls/parish assembly meeting votes are not binding on the councils. They can be useful to gauge opinion but many consider polls in particular a complete waste of money given not binding. Some Town Councils have had some heavily politicised "polls" in recent years hopeless turnout and duly ignored anyway.. (but a nice large invoice from the principal authority tasked managing the process)
by (9.7k points)
And in any event, even if the council did decide to adopt or support a parish poll result, any decision can be changed after 18 years!  It's only decisions within the last 6 months that require a special procedure to rescind.  Everything else can and probably should be at least reviewed to see if it is still appropriate for the parish.
0 votes
Times change but depending on the importance of the decision you’d hope the PC explained what they intended to do in advance and asked for feedback
by (12.5k points)

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