Just to clarify, the bench which was installed last year, was literally installed the day before remembrance Sunday, having had the meeting the wednesday before..and that was the first i had heard about it. The parish council have shown no intrest in it in previous years, so it seems a bit odd they waited till we were in a cost of living crisis, and have not invited local veteran's to take part..all the veterans i know in the village find the location of the bench and statue to be very dangerous as it is very close to a bend in the road. I find it odd they decided it was a good idea to have something on at the same time as a service for the same thing was already advertised last year. This year the church will have a service at 10am so they can join with the parish council at 10.45..but i just feel it is odd our parish council doesn't actually consult with anyone other than who is in there inner circle. Even the events committee which is actually called an events part(who now organize events on behalf of the council)y, no one outside of the Council or the WI was invited or asked if they would be intrested in joining this committee either. When i challenged them about the issues of lack of communication instead of seeing any reason they said to me that no one should have a monopoly on it. But it seems to me that's exactly what they are doing which is quite sad. I don't have an issue with us having a bench or a statue, I just feel the way they have gone about it is out of order, and during a cost of living Crisis of all times to suddenly show an interest in something they have never shown an interest in. They said in the parish council meeting that there would be no religious input, i've been to plenty were religion was included were a local minister would be asked to say a prayer for those currently in conflict as well as the families of those that have lost loved ones. Though the council have put on their leaflet that the church will be providing tea and coffee, so they are not entirely discriminating against the church but i just find it all a bit odd. I don't feel it honours veterans if we have separate events in the community at the same time, and it certainly doesn't honour them if none of the veterans have been asked to take part. All it's seemingly going to is 2 school children reading a poem and someone playing the last post...I did cheekily point out to the council who said they did no religion that when it came to the death of the queen which they also didn't give support regarding the book of condolences that they specifically requested us to say God save the King.
There would be minutes but i have found quite often they don't get uploaded on time or put on the noticeboard, i have got to the point were i have had to challenge them about that we have found they don't always record questions either..but we only find out if our question has been recorded sometimes 2 months later..at the moment there website is down for maintenance which is unfortunate.