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This may seem a silly question but what are the rules and regulations regarding the LGA 1972 on setting / putting up the rent on say allotments for example by sub-committee only?

Should the committee have brought it to the full parish council for a full discussion and decision plus a vote instead of doing it on their own?
by (530 points)

2 Answers

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It all depends on whether your committee ( not a sub committee) has this power specified in their terms of reference granted by the PC. Sub committees carry out works specified by a committee and report back to them their findings. You might also need to look into the terms of the lease of the allotments regarding rent, reviews etc. and what right the allotment holders have under it.
by (28.3k points)
0 votes
Depends on the TORs for that Sub Committee.  The Terms of Reference for our Amenities and Facilites subcommittee has the delecated authority to set the fees for such things as Alotments and to review them annually and not leave everything to the full council.
by (500 points)

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