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Is it usual to record the number of votes both For, Against and Anstentions in the minutes? I presume this is a question of whatever the local team decide? I feel it would be helpful if this were recorded in the minutes and save possible disagreements later when memories of what happened have faded and people's personal biases can come to the fore. Thanks
by (260 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
No it’s not “ usual “ but personally I’ve always felt it should be recorded as well as the names
by (12.7k points)
0 votes
Your standing orders may include provision for this but it is not usual to record numbers unless it is sufficiently close to require it and in any event the chair should be summarising the vote before moving on to the next agenda item.  So, if a vote is unanimous, I wouldn't think anything other than a statement to that effect is necessary in the minutes whereas if the vote is, say, 7 for and 6 against, I think that should be specified.
You can ask for a named vote provided you do so before the vote is taken.  A bit of a time consuming exercise often but can be important, particularly if someone is questioning either the validity of the vote or whether someone should or should not have voted because of an interest.
by (22.3k points)
0 votes
More importantly I would suggest that recording the vote with how councillors voted, for, against or abstaining is a basic requirement of democracy and a check as to accountability of those who represent the community and also meet all the Nolan principles. Well worth a little more time and effort by the council.
by (29.0k points)

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