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by (2.3k points)

2 Answers

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The only reason for the dots is the minimum character requirement!
by (12.0k points)
Thank you John
. I've looked at some PC policies which aim to prevent Councillors doing this. I'm curious as to where the Nolan Principles stand in relation to such policies or standing orders, such as Selflessness - the public interest or speaking on behalf of some parishioners for example.
If is a non pc issues then the councillor must make it clear he is not acting as a councillor
Again Andrew adds to the confusion because a Councillor has been elected by parishioners, to represent them, so is acting as a councillor on behalf of parishioners.
Unless authorised to do so by the council, a councillor has no authority to speak on behalf of the council which is a corporate body.  Absolutely nothing to prevent anyone speaking as an individual on behalf of residents if they so wish but they can't say they're speaking on behalf of the council.  Policies "which aim to prevent Councillors doing this" should clearly indicate this.
One word of caution however is that speaking out as an individual on a subject that the council will consider (I'm thinking planning but there may be other matters) may lead to a challenge on the grounds of pre-determination when the matter comes to council for a discussion/decision.
It is you that is adding to the confusion if it is not a pc issue and he declared he not not acting has a councillor then he is being interviewed as a parishioner
Thank you for your clarity Delboys wife. so many issues with PC are not clear, and the fact that a Councillor can act for parishioners on items not covered by the PC is an important one.
0 votes
About a non PC issue AND about any issue which is a “PC issue.”

A Cllr can and absolutely should hold an opinion and be willing to express it when opportunity arises.
The usual guff about predetermination is trotted out as usual.
What a load of tosh.
Cllrs need to have the some spirit and stop being so bloody afraid of shadows.
by (26.3k points)

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