We have this added on to our agendas so it falls just after apologies . I found it on another Parish Council agendas .
Members are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they know they may.
have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda. They are reminded that they will need to
repeat their declaration at the appropriate point in the meeting and leave the room if the
interest is a prejudicial one. Unforeseen interests must be declared similarly at the
appropriate time. Members have dispensation to discuss and vote in respect of matters.
relating to the Precept.
Members are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they know they may.
have in items of business on the meeting’s agenda. They are reminded that they will need to
repeat their declaration at the appropriate point in the meeting and leave the room if the
interest is a prejudicial one. Unforeseen interests must be declared similarly at the
appropriate time. Members have dispensation to discuss and vote in respect of matters.
relating to the Precept.