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Code of conduct complaint (completely different case to previous question) submitted in relation to a Cllr using expletive (f*ck) in a discussion during an open public PC meeting which was live-streamed on PC FB stream.

Subject Cllr emails PC (but does not issue a livestream apology) with a mealy mouthed apology stating that he was 'frustrated' and that the frustration caused him to swear - the subject he was frustrated by however was an entirely appropriate and correct process - its just that he didn't like it.  So he apologised for using the F word but not the reason why he used it.

MO rejects the CoC complaint on the basis that the matter has already been resolved by the apology....

How does this sit with the much vaunted NALC courtesy and respect aspirations?
Is it a mandate for foul mouthed Cllrs to swear with impunity so long as they apologise afterwards?
by (24.1k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I suppose the obvious question is what sanction would be proptionate or appropriate in your opinion for an individual swearing. Sending them on expensive CALC Course?, Stocks in the Centre of the Village? I dont know what the answer is for low-level breaches such as that beyond an apology. I do get the argument made stamp out all poor behavior and standards will improve. That been said i favour tackling the most serious breaches first (to many complaints in system result in extended periods determining breach and saction).
by (9.8k points)
+1 vote
Sadly the F word is common parlance for many these days, with some using it as a prefix for every noun.
by (56.1k points)
That is pretty much what the local constabulary said - it was also reported as a public order breach but old bill palmed it off to MO and MO said it's all OK because he apologised.

My argument back to plod was that as a Cllr you are held to a higher standard of public behaviour - having none of it....

So now, so long as I apologise, I can effectively & Jeff to my hearts content at the next PC meeting....
I understand your frustration, but it's so unlikely that this could meet the CPS threshold for prosecution that most police forces wouldn't pursue it. I hear this sort of language at many of my meetings, mainly from the public gallery, but it's also common in the village pub and the school playground, so what hope do we have? Individually we can uphold the highest standards, but we can't impose them on those around us.
Yes, quite so…
Gillian Effing Keegan setting a fine example for our young people when she thought her microphone was switched off. "Now children, we don't want to sound like the Secretary of State for Education, do we?"

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