Questions about town and parish councils
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We have been fighting a developer as a PC fairly successfully in H18 breach.
Developer was so confident he'd win his appeal to raise his building 1.5m taller, he poured his footings and started the building before his appeal, to which he unanimously lost.
Since then, we have a new district councillor who feel's the developer should re-submit as she supports the breach of height.  She has attended the site and had more than one visit and discussion with the developer and is refusing to even talk to the PC as she states, "it's a breach of conduct and unethical".  She is supportive now of the developer but refusing to discuss with us why and has advised him to resubmit the application despite an unanimous 'no' vote earlier this year.
by (120 points)

2 Answers

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Frankly, your district councillor can do what he wants as its an issue for the district council rather than the parish council.  I would also say that your planning authority would also probably encourage the developer to re-submit an application if he's changed his plans.  If he continues with the development, it should (note the wording) be a planning enforcement issue but if your planning authority is anything like ours locally, it will be hard to get them to act.
by (21.3k points)
0 votes
This is one of the weaknesses of the Planning Procedure. If a Parish Council approves the Planning Application sent to them by County - fine, however if the Par Council turn down a Planning application it is then returned to County. Who can and do, often over turn the Par Council findings. In some respects that is understandable Par Council are volunteers with normally limited Planning knowledge. However, I think if County over- turn a Par Council decision they should be compelled to attend the next Parish meeting and explain their reasons. I brought this to the attention of NALC council and their reply to say the least was shocking. Clearly showing they do not understand Parish Councils issues
by (440 points)

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