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0 votes
Historic provision of a rural school bus service by LA is subject to a "safe walking route assessment" which finds that a "suitable" walking route of less than 3 miles is available and consequently the LA proposes to withdraw assisted school transport since the distance is less than the statutory 3 miles above which the LA must provide the service.

Local population (and the PC for that matter) consider the "safe walking route" to be preposterous - it really is - across open moorland, bridleway and unclassified roads with no lighting / pavement.
But, LA have followed correct assessment process and criteria and the route really does qualify as "safe" by the metrics set for the assessment.

If the LA does withdraw the service, can the PC fund a school bus service?  I can't think of a 'power' which would allow this.  Any thoughts or previous experiences?
by (26.3k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
You could have a look into the Local Government and Rating Act 1997 section 27 (1)(b). This give Parish Councils the power to make grants for the operation of a community bus service.

Not looked into this in any detail so it could turn out to be a dead-end, but it might something worth having a look at.
by (7.5k points)
Just looked at that - I’ll check the cross referenced tomorrow but on first look, seems to have some potential.
Many fanks.
+1 vote
Not a school bus, but we give an annual grant towards the running of a community bus which serves the local villages. It's for the benefit of parishioners, so all above board. There's no scheduled bus service.
by (1.1k points)

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