If you have adopted the model standing orders, you would need to amend your standing orders to permit delegation to the Clerk, as this is not included in the relevant paragraphs. It's worth noting that dispensations apply solely to pecuniary interests, so would normally be a rare occurrence in a parish council. You have the power to extend your use of dispensations to other forms of interests and, for the sake of transparency, this is worth considering. The most common application of this in a small rural parish relates to those councillors who are also trustees of a village hall or recreation ground charity, with which the council may have financial dealings. To achieve a quorum, it is often necessary to allow those trustees to participate as councillors in the decision-making process, so grant them a dispensation until the next cyclical parish council elections and ensure that they mention their non-pec interest and dispensation whenever they use it so that it is clear to all present and can be recorded in the minutes.