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Good morning everybody. Has anyone experienced a situation like this? We have a medium-size allotment area in a parish council, with 23 plots. We occasionally experience wasps nests in the surrounding hedgerows et cetera et cetera. We currently have an underground wasps nest actually on one of the plots. The tenant of this plot has two young children that accompany him when he gardens. He is concerned as to the children’s safety, understandably, and as Allotment “rep“, I am concerned for his safety and his children safety as well. I would have thought the simple approach would be to engage a pest control expert to get rid of the nest on an urgent basis. I approach the Clerk, she sees things differently. She doesn’t think it’s an urgent matter, she is in fact questioning that it’s even anything to do with the council, and she is going to approach the Chair . I’m somewhat perplexed by this. Surely we as “landlords” are responsible for the resolution of this situation, and it would be in our own interests to deal with it as soon as possible? I’d be very interested to know how other people feel about this… Many thanks.
by (270 points)

5 Answers

0 votes
It should state who is responsible for what in the written agreement between the council and the allotment holder.
by (11.9k points)
0 votes
Unless the wasps are there through some sort of fault on the landowners part then the wasps nest is the tenants responsibility. Can't think of what the fault could be for an allotment. For a house if there was an unfixed hole in the property that allowed the wasps in could be a fault.

If the tenant does not want his children stung by wasps he needs to keep them away from the nest. Unlikely to sting unless they are disturbed. If you do get the pest control in you are likely to have some very angry wasps seeking revenge from the nearest person they can find. So the tenants of the other plots could be at risk of getting stung.
by (7.3k points)
0 votes
I'm with your Clerk on this one. Tenant responsibility, unless the agreement specifies otherwise. Underground wasp nests don't need a pest control expert. We have ideal weather for dealing with them at present, with wasps inactive in wet weather. Sprinkle wasp powder around the entrance and stay away for at least 24 hours. Let adjoining plot holders know so that they don't enter the area and your mother has a brother called Robert!
by (58.4k points)
0 votes
For goodness sake. Only god ( whichever one you subscribe to) is to blame via nature for wasps doing what wasps do. Get a grip people and away from the culture of who to blame for the world. Unless of course you have all signed up to a man made contract that specifically lays down who to sue. Tenant if they upset you get rid. Council if you feel the tenant needs support do so. Goodness me what next removing creepy crawly spiders from the fields. Stop being "offended "by everything and just get on with it.
by (29.0k points)
Thank you so much for your even-tempered and well thought through response. Clearly a case of you getting out of the wrong side of bed this morning! Maybe with an input as balanced as that, you maybe want to think about not providing any further input…?
Thank you for your assessment which is noted and unfortunately inaccurately based on a complete lack of facts and relying on supposition. Solutions have been offered to the matter but unfortunately the old and wise maxim regarding leading horses to water applies in too many situations these days.
I think you (Mentorman) should apologise for this ill-tempered reply.  Lets see ...
Catweezel "I’d be very interested to know how other people feel about this… Many thanks."- apparently not
0 votes
Thank you (to most of you), for your intelligent and thoughtful replies. It has given me something to work with. Thanks again.
by (270 points)

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