I would not consider ourselves a big council, we are a rural council and our precept is just over £61,000, we have been fortunate to receive some cil money, when I first joined we had very little in reserve, this has improved greatly over four years so we did not ask for an increase in precept for this year, I trust it's ok to say what our precept is, we don't really defer, I know at least two others share that but we have two new members with at least one wanting to be chair, she was chair for ten years until she resigned over four years ago, quite honestly I didn't think she was a good chair having attended some meetings, she hardly ever asked a councillor for their opinion, it was what I say goes, makes me wonder why I joined now, we had a good parish council for four years but our chair got hounded out after six code of conduct complaints, he was cleared of all but it does get to one after a while