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0 votes
2020, 2021 and 2022, and despite its further failures to also deal with the related public interest reports from the external auditor, how should the PC now approach its accounts for the financial year ending 2023?

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you.

by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Do you have a Parish Council?  I realise that the entity exists in its statutory capacity, but without a quorate Council, it can't act. Your Clerk should comply with the terms of their contract and the Council's policies in producing accounts, which can be placed in the public domain as draft accounts, but nothing can be agreed or finalised without a vote by the members of the Council.
by (57.9k points)
I've sent you a private message.
Was going to add that if you are now in a position to agree and submit an AGAR, I'd suggest your RFO discusses the course of action required to deal with the situation with the auditors directly.
+1 vote
Surprised to see (I suppose it should still come as a surprise but there is an element of deep sigh resignation) the number of annual repeat PIR receiving councils for non submission of AGAR.

Begs the question - if a non submission PIR letter costs about £200, is that cheaper than doing the submission...  Oh the irony - if the financial management plan were to actually highlight that non completion of AGAR was the approved course of action because by (not) doing it, it presents better VfM to the tax payer.

Accepting that VfM is different to cost, it is not beyond the realms of possibility...
by (25.3k points)

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