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0 votes
Do the passing of the regs full with in the six months rule
by (2.2k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
If there is a needed change to the financial regulations, then the council can revisit them before the 6 month rule.  Perhaps the clerk spotted an error that the council should have spotted themselves....?
by (25.4k points)
0 votes
If new information or circumstances come to light then the six month rule can be overturned but my understanding is that the model set are being re-written or updated by NALC/SLCC so it might be worth waiting for the re-write to be released before making any more changes
by (22.1k points)
0 votes
When our Councils Financial Regs came up for its review the offending section that time, 4.4 was just not included. I doubt that any Councillor noticed. The same with the Publication Scheme, don’t like it, don’t add it.
by (580 points)
Just bear in mind that some requirements are legislative or might impact on other areas so some care is needed in adding or removing fin regs or indeed anything else.
4.4 - Review of Salaries?
Yes, one example.

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