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0 votes
Can a clerk "take money" (clerk's words) for undisclosed payments relating to their unknown work from the bank account of an inquorate PC?

The PC has been inquorate for several years and as a result, local residents were unable to inspect any matter relating to its finances including information concerning the undisclosed payments obtained by the clerk.

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thank you

by (4.3k points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Is the clerk under a contract of employment with a salary? If so, they're entitled to be paid, as an inquorate PC lacks the power to amend the contract. I presume that the principal authority is continuing to levy a precept on behalf of the Council, so money will still be coming in. After several years, the principal authority should have stepped in to appoint temporary councillors. Is there really nobody willing to join the Council to get it up and running again? If that's the case, it should be abolished.
by (57.9k points)
The clerk is receiving their salary in addition to the undisclosed payments. Yes, the principal authority has levied precepts for the last 3 years in the absence of a quorate PC. After the local elections in May, a by election was held in June which was unfruitful and a further by election is to be held next month. I agree, the PC should be abolished. Thanks DtC.
+2 votes
What do the internal and external auditors think about it ?
Who authorised the payments ?
by (12.7k points)
Oops! Is your local association aware of this?
Thinking creatively, if there are buildings, public open spaces and children's play equipment under the control of this council, lock them up, fence them off and erect signs saying that they will remain unavailable until the council has sufficient members to manage them. Blame our old friend Elfansafety.
Probably not DtC.
All member positions are vacant. As parishioners looking in, we cannot interfere with any property of the PC.
Then can I ask why, as "parishioners looking in" someone hasn't stepped up to put themselves forward to serve the community, even if only in the short term?  Sorry to sound harsh but unless or until someone is prepared to put themselves forward not sure why you're complaining!
+1 vote
In the context of what you have written the answer is no.

How have you come by this information?  Have you seen the bank statements?
by (11.8k points)
The information is mentioned within documents provided to a public authority.

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