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our clerk very much limits any documents that councillors can see as a result we have to email her all the time to get a copy if she decides we can have it . whilst to some extent her wages i can understand but how can a councillor be aware of what is happening and agree to a council resolution if they are not  allowed to see records surely we must be able to review any documents we wish to satisfy our duty of care and nolan any ideas on what can be legitamately be  withheld from councillors would be appreciated
by (1.1k points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Your Clerk is not empowered to make decisions of any sort unless your standing orders list them in a scheme of delegation.  The council, in practice every councillor,  are responsible & accountable for decisions they make.  They should not have obstacles put in the way to adversely impact their decision making and restricting access to council documents amounts to such obstacles.  Ask for an agenda item to go on the next full council meeting about access to documents, with a motion that the clerk implements a means of providing quick and easy access to all docs, and that by default, there will be no challenge made by the clerk for release of the documents. Then get the 8/9 to resolve it.
by (35.8k points)
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0 votes
If Insufficiently informed, withhold support from any given motion.
Express the reason why you are withholding your vote and demand that necessary pre-briefing is established.
The clerk works for the council.
by (26.3k points)
this feels like sound advice i suspect 8 out of nine of us would raise this a pitty we cant resolve elsewhere before the meeting but i will take this on board thank you

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