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by (230 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

You need to provide more context/information if you are looking for a fuller answer.
by (12.0k points)
Our clerk currently works from 8.45 to 13 which means working councillors can’t attend any committee meetings. Can the clerk be asked to stay until after the lunch break?
Looks like you are saying that the clerk is unable/unwlling to attend committee meetings held outside of this time scale. Nothing stopping the council changing the meeting time to suit all members of the committee. The clerk's attendance is not a pre-requisite of a meeting ( unless in the committee terms of reference and their contract) as the committee can elect a member to take the minutes.
You need to look at the clerk's contract of employment to see what it says about hours of work, flexibility etc etc.
Slightly staggered at the suggestion that the clerk's working hours dictate the times committee meetings are held.   Surely it is a decision of the council when committees take place?  Whilst there's no legal reason for meetings to take place in the morning, afternoon or evening (with some limited exceptions), most parish councils hold their meetings in the evening for the very reason you've identified;  so that elected Members and members of the public who work can attend.   Staffing of those meetings should then be arranged.  If that means paying for additional staff time or arranging someone else to take the minutes, so be it.
0 votes
Like all employees the clerk will have a contract of employment and it needs to be examined to tell you what PC and the clerk can and cannot do. Hours worked would normally form a basis for the contract which is agreed by both council and employee. There will of course be instances when either party( or both) wish to vary something like hours, and as per the best and most workable contracts negotiation and mutual agreement with compromise usually enable both parties not to feel aggrieved of decisions reached.
by (29.2k points)

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