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We are a small rural community, are there any guidelines to committee structure and make up where multiple members of the same household are on a committee?  For example, we have a village hall committee where there are 3 members of the same household - making up 30% of the committee.
by (900 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
No restrictions and in small rural communities, happens all the time!
by (22.3k points)
0 votes
The 'problem' here is lack of sufficient interest from the community to make up a diverse committee.

If there is 1 family (or other) discernable group that is proactive, community minded, outgoing and altruistic amongst a community where such characteristics are sparse, then the one group will naturally become dominant.

It is only a "problem" if the cohort act as a cartel - it is perfectly possible that they are all independently minded, free thinking individuals.

The dilemma would be to sack off certain members from a committee and leave it inquorate and unable to function or to retain a family group and function in what ever way it does.

The question should be prefaced by some detail about whether the situation creates a problem or not...
But in any case, the answer is no, there are no guidelines other than those which would qualify an individual for a committee role.
Was there a council vote to appoint members to committees?  If so, and if there was a concern, then the vote should have been no....
by (26.1k points)
0 votes
The starting point for any assessment of an individual councillor in any matter is that by default, and until proven otherwise by their actions, is that they are abiding by the code of conduct which includes the Nolan Principles. Innocent until proven( not suspicion of) guilty. The basis of our rule of law still in this country despite it being inconvenient for those with agendas to peddle.
by (29.0k points)

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