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0 votes
Normally at the start of a new term of office any commitees cease and at the AGM all committees and those sitting on it are discussed.

This was not done also at first meeting of a committee and i maybe going completely bonkers but its normally set out

1. To elect a chair

2. Accept apologise

3. Etc etc

If the very first item is missing from the agenda can the committee still meet and vote legally on recommendations which are then sent to the district council during that meeting.

As i understand it if its not an item on the agenda no descions can be made am i right or losing the plot.

Also if no committees have been formed at the AGM as no meeting since how can a commitee be called with members sitting in it exactly how it was previously l.
by (330 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Was there a motion to adopt the committee structure and members from the previous year?
by (29.2k points)
Not as far as i can remember
0 votes
Clearly different councils will have adopted different processes and procedures where committees are concerned but was just going to add that an election doesn't necessarily change everything as the council as a corporate body exists regardless of who is a councillor.  So, if your committee structure was in existence before the elections, it will continue unless changed.  However, it would be usual for committee members to be elected by full council to that committee each year and certainly after an election and I'd expect the first item on the agenda for each committee would be to elect a committee chair unless that is set by full council.
by (22.9k points)

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