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My understanding is that after claiming GPC the eligibility criteria test must be reviewed at each subsequent Annula Parish meeting and recorded in the minutes?  Should a similar statement be made to confirm that as the case may be that your are not entitled to the GPC?
by (5.5k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You only need to confirm that the council meets the criteria for general power of competence immediately after an election, not every year.  It must be reconfirmed after the next full election, if applicable.  The declaration stands even if elected members fall in the four year period.
Where a council does not meet the criteria for general power of competence immediately after an election but subsequently has an election (not a co-option) that results in a two thirds elected council, then the council can claim GPOC immediately.  Similarly, if a clerk successfully completes CiLCA (or an acceptable qualification) and the elected numbers are no less than two thirds, GPOC can be claimed immediately thereafter.
by (23.2k points)
What does this mean then from SLCC.   "A local council must decide, at a full meeting of the council, that it meets the criteria for eligibility at that particular point in time. A resolution to this effect must be written clearly in the minutes of that meeting. The council is then required to revisit that decision and make a new resolution at every ‘relevant’ annual meeting of the council to confirm that it still meets the criteria (if it does). This means that eligibility remains in place until the first annual meeting of the council after the ordinary election even if the condition of the eligibility criteria has changed.
The word 'relevant' is referring to the next ordinary meeting following an election.

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