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0 votes
A Chair of a Parish Council claims that co-opted councillors can be converted to elected councillors because the rules have been relaxed

I can’t see anyway to do this without them resigning and re standing for an election has anyone heard of this ?
by (13.0k points)

4 Answers

0 votes
I'm sorry to say that its total nonsense.
by (12.0k points)
0 votes
Nonsense AND pointless, since, the only difference would be that elected Cllrs “could” be paid an allowance and co-opted cannot.
Since that is the only difference, could that be be ulterior motive?
by (26.8k points)
The motive is that they want to get the General Power of Competence back
Ah, yes! I see!!
0 votes
Echo others assessment. I recall someone else claimed this a few years back as part of a rather desperatea attempt to get GPC (and overcome 2/3 Rule)
by (10.4k points)
Quote eligibility  from SLCC "the number of councillors elected at the last ordinary election, or at a subsequent by-election, must equal or exceed two thirds of its total number of councillors".  What  is an ordinary election/by election and would it include "casual vacancy" elections?  Just asking
+1 vote
Resignation then election is a feasible route, but there are risks. The casual vacancy would be advertised by the principal authority and the election would be uncontested if the recently-resigned councillor was the only candidate. If, however, somebody else decided to throw their hat into the ring, a contested election would be required, the full cost of which would fall to the council. The mystery candidate might also win the poll, leaving the quitter out in the cold!
by (60.1k points)
Thank you for your prompt responses which confirm what I thought
If our Monitoring Officer finds a different way of doing it I’ll let you know

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