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looking for a template for an IT Policy. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
by (390 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
As suggested, the policy should reflect on the ICT your council own and use. But here area few pointers.

I would suggest that the policy should include a reference to GDPR 2018 and how your council have enacted it and guidance about what constitutes acceptable and non acceptable use of your councils equipment. You should also include what measures you take to protect your data from accidental destruction via backup, and who can access online facilities from third parties. If your council has a website you need to state who maintains it and who has backup access to passwords. You should consider including renewal times and maintenance agreements if third parties supply and manage your ICT. There are others but hope this gets you started.
by (35.8k points)
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Thank you, much appreciated.
0 votes

Surely, any policy you want for your PC has to fit the circumstances, usage and equipment you have. You should be designing what you need and producing bespoke and pertinent rather than adapting to a template designed by god knows who for god knows what.

Perhaps asking guidance of what other councils who decided that it was necessary, have included in such a document would be a more accurate suggestion to seek.

by (29.4k points)
It’s often easier to look at someone’s policy to see what they did and then look at what you need and write a policy accordingly, especially if you are a new clerk, or clerk with no IT experience

Sorry I don’t have one , or I would share

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