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If a Chairman (and/or Vice Chair) is elected from the members of a Parish Council at its AGM and one or other choose to stand down from their position (but remain as Councillors) during their year of office, can there subsequently be a motion to appoint a new Chair- or Vice Chair?

Thank you.
by (270 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

When you say "AGM" I'm guessing you mean Annual Parish Council Meeting?

Timings for your question seem a bit odd since it is currently AGM season and Chairs should be just about to or recently have been elected. Not at all impossible for a newly elected chair to resign though - our chair was elected May 22 and resigned June 22 so entirely feasible.

The 3 references below (I have to do them 1 at a time apparently) should provide all the info you need direct from source document and free of interpretation:

by (26.2k points)
Thank you for your reply.
Can a current Chair have a vote of no confidence raised ?
0 votes
Any councillor elected by council as chair can stand down or resign at any time during their year tenure. This should not be confused or linked with them resigning as a councillor. It is quite possible that they may simply feel that they are not up to the task allotted to them. Being chair is not a prison sentence that must be served!
by (29.0k points)

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