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0 votes
On 4th. May, 11 people who received the most votes were elected to our Parish Council from a pool of 24 candidates!

Now, prior to the first meeting of the new Council and so prior to the signing of the acceptance of office documents etc., one of the elected candidates say they do not want to take their seat because of a change in their personal circumstances which will place a greater demand on their work time.

My question is, if they do "decline", is the candidate with the 12th. most votes elected in their stead or is there simply a casual vacancy on the Council which then would be filled by a further election (if 10 residents require it) or by co-option?

Thank you for your advice.
by (270 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Definitive advice would be provided by your electoral registrations office but my best guess would be:

No, next most votes does not get the position - they were not elected, the election is finished with the declaration of results.

Failure to take up the office results in a casual vacancy subject to bye election if 10 electors register with ERO or co-option if not.
Co-option for the 1 position 'could' have all of the unsuccessful candidates for election if you're lucky...
by (26.8k points)
Thank you for your reply.

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