I'm not clear about the roles of individuals or the status of documents at the APM.
I operate on the basis that the meeting is called and facilitated from within the PC so I issue the paperwork and attend as the Clerk, take the minutes etc. But does the law require this? The fact that the Chair, if present, must chair the meeting, and the PC pays the cost of the APM, doesn't necessarily mean that normal rules apply. The PC may make, vary and revoke standing orders for the regulation of proceedings and business at parish meetings (Schedule 12 Part III para 20(1)), which aren't mentioned in the model PC standing orders at all, but I wonder how many PCs have made standing orders for their parish meetings.
In the example above, it would be difficult to argue that the Chair of the PC delivering his annual report was not doing so in his capacity as Chair. Expecting the Clerk to record minutes of the proceedings without a copy of the document is clearly unhelpful. But if it's the council's policy to destroy notes and recordings once the minutes have been produced, neither the Chair nor the Clerk is under any obligation to retain a copy of the document.
Answers on a postcard please...