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We have just had an uncontested Town council election, with one vacancy to fill. Our clerk is about to proceed with filling that vacancy by co-option. We are informed that the rule about 10 electors forcing a by-election to fill the vacancy doesn't apply in this case. Is that really correct?
by (750 points)

1 Answer

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Yes as the notice of election is deemed to be the notice of the vacancy.  You have 35 days to fill the vacancy by co-option without further (statutory) notice but thereafter you should check with your elections office whether further notice is required.
by (22.4k points)
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Many thanks.
We have a similar situation but I simply cant understand how the voting process works .We have 14 applicants for 11 vacancies.  Does the Council vote to appoint for vacancy 1 with all 14 applicants in the hat until they arrive at an overall majority vote ?  Then do they move on to vacancy number 2 with 13 applicants' and so on .
Also does any co-opted Cllr immediately join the Council and take part in next vote ?

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