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Hi, our standing orders say that members of the HR committee are elected by full council at the next meeting after the elections.

So my question is does the old committee stand down on the 4th May or do they carry on until the first full council meeting after the 4th May?
by (390 points)

1 Answer

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Members of the Council stand down on the fourth day after the ordinary day of election and the newly elected councillors come into office on the day on which their predecessors retire. So the old committee continues until that date but has no powers thereafter.

In an election year, the annual meeting must take place on, or within fourteen days after, the day on which the councillors elected at that election take office and ideally as soon as possible for the sake of continuity.
by (58.9k points)
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Anfd of course don't forget that the outgoing chair must chair the first meeting up to the point at which the newly elected chair takes over the meeting.

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