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Our APM is tonight but although the agenda includes Chairman's Report and other reports from village clubs and organisations (but no financial report from the council) none of these reports have been publlished for electors to view prior to the meeting. Our parish council is holding a contested election next week, so itt would seem to be important for everything to do with the council is conducted in an open and transparent manner that adhere's to the Purdah rules during the period leading up to the election itself.

3 Answers

0 votes
Whilst it would be ideal for reports etc. to be published or at least available prior to the meeting, in reality it would be difficult to get voluntary groups etc. to do so or at least it has been in my experience.  As for the parish council, whilst draft financial information might be available in April, it is likely that this hasn't been audited yet (possibly internally audited but not externally audited, if required), so the only confirmed figures would be last years which should have been published last summer.
by (23.2k points)
0 votes
Is your council up for re-election - if so purdah rules apply, you are limited in what can or cannot be published and / or discussed.
by (6.3k points)
0 votes
I don’t know of one council that puts up a report ahead of a parish meeting, why would you? If people are that interested they can attend the meeting, or read the report after. In the same way it’s up to other organisations to publish any reports on their websites. It’s a parish meeting, not a PC meeting, the chairman had to chair if attending, but otherwise it has nothing to do with the PC. Electors can call for their own meeting, would you expect them to provide reports?
by (840 points)
Spot on - its not a council meeting.  Indeed, the chair should be chairing it, not spending time giving a report.  One hopes the public know they can add items to the agenda, make proposals and vote on them and request a Poll - something the chair needs to explain at the start of the meeting?

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