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Good morning, normally, we would coopt new members to our village hall committee at the next physical meeting.  Is it possible to do so by post or email and asking all members to vote yea or no?
by (900 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
You would need to check your charity's governing document, which should set out the process by which new members may join.
by (58.5k points)
0 votes
The courts have ruled  that a valid meeting normally consists of people who can both see and hear each other. So email or post would not be valid, unless your governing document states a definition of a meeting that includes post or email.
by (7.3k points)
0 votes
Is your village hall committee a committee of the council or a separate group, independent of the council but where the council has the power to appoint members?
For council committees generally, my council asks councillors to volunteer to join committees of interest.  A list is then produced for consideration at the annual council meeting, debated and agreed (or changed) as part of the meeting.  There's a similar process for appointments to outside bodies although clearly if there are more volunteers than spaces, there is a more complex vote to fill the places.
by (22.3k points)
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