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During a meeting I objected to an item in the previous minutes at the time that we were voting to approve those minutes. I said I want it minuted…. when the draft came out it said what I wanted minuted but also had an explanation underneath it that was not discussed at the meeting. My questions are 1) can an explanation that was not discussed at the meeting be added on after the meeting by the clerk, 2) can the objection raised at the meeting and included in the first draft minutes be later removed from the draft minutes without discussing it with the objector? Thank you.
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The minutes are a record of the meeting, so shouldn't contain anything that was not mentioned at the meeting. I'm puzzled by your last sentence about first draft minutes and draft minutes. The minutes must be approved by the Council at a meeting, and any amendments must be approved in the same way, so were the revised minutes without your objection formally approved?
by (60.0k points)
Was about to say the same thing but just to add that assuming there's a draft which might have been circulated, it's not unusual for a first draft to be amended before being formally presented for approval at a meeting but once approved at a meeting, cannot be changed.
Exactly the minutes can be changed informally before they come before the meeting, at the meeting they can only be changed by vote
I spent 12 years trying to get the minutes published within 5 working days of meetings and it was only recently this happened but you still have to wade all the way through the website to find them
My request to have all agendas for all committees plus all minutes emailed to Councillors if they requested them  was refused yet this is done at Borough level
Thank you DavetheClerk and Delboy'swife the Objection was for an item in the January meeting (we have bimonthly meetings). in the March meeting before the January minutes were approved I voiced my abjection and ask for it to be minuted which was noted at the meeting. When the March first draft minutes were circulated for comments my objection was stated but had underneath it a written statement which was not discussed at the meeting. I said it was not a true record of what was said at the meeting and after several emails a second draft has been posted on the website noting that I was against the January minutes and deleting the reason for my objection and the previously added statement. Although the January minutes were approved 4 for and 1 against there is now no record of the reason for my objection in the March minutes which will be voted on in May.
Since I specifically requested at the March meeting that the reason for my objection to the January minutes be minuted, can that reason, which was included in the first draft minutes, now be excluded from the final draft?

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