I don’t see what the problem is, a Budget is just a best guess and I doubt there are many Councils that agreed one in say December 2020 and it was still 100% correct at 31/3/22
At my PC the Budget is agreed and then basically ignored, there are already large discrepancies in the 2023/24 budget for example the opening bank balance is £30,000 lower than anticipated
This is despite the fact that there are clearly large underspends in some areas
Any attempt to raise concerns with regards to matters like this are considered to be accusations that fraud is taking place
After last Mondays meeting ( my last ) I had one Councillor getting very aggressive with me because he claimed as he counter signs the cheques so there is no fraud
I pointed out a couple of years before the Budget had an arithmetical error of £200,000 and that wasn’t fraud and I was the only Councillor to notice
To me the Budget should be reviewed quarterly to track progress, to learn lessons and to start building the framework for the next three years Budgets but what do I know after 40 years in accounting !