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Good evening

Many of our councillors have completed Suffolk Association of local councils 10 training modules (or some of ), plus  the Vice chair and I completed chair training.

My question is, when should councillors undergo refresher training,  and does anyone know of any areas that undertake this training?    I do not see the point of covering all 10 modules again.  One councillor undertook his training 30 years ago,  I see the benefit of him undertaking full training as the new training is far more relevant now than 30 years ago.   Best practice ?  Thanks Ann
by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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When should councillors undergo refresher training? 

The answer is:  

(a) Whenever they want to....  May sound flippant but it is the reality since they cannot be compelled to.

(b) When directed to by the MO as a consequence of CoC finding (but even then - can't be compelled) 

by (26.9k points)

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