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On 13 Mar, in the thread titled “Can I sit in public forum?”(  I entered the comment:

It’d be good if there was a thread where links to webcast or YouTube livestreams could be posted by any council that currently provides an online meeting broadcast. Especially if it were from some of the councils that seem to have “issues” as highlighted by perennial posts here…

Since then we have had the thread - which “appears” to have resulted in a council having its video footage removed from public access as a consequence of observations and opinions being presented in relation to chair and clerk performance  

If it is the case that Costessey Town council has had its public engagement unilaterally curtailed - apparently in contravention of a full council decision - then it is a very poor reflection upon that councils ability and willingness to engage public opinion and it very much supports the need for a mechanism for Cllrs to raise awareness of their councils engagement policies  

If you have a live stream please consider posting a link either here in this thread or direct alongside your thread so that observers and potential commentators can watch and potentially gain a broader context before commenting  

Wouldn’t it be a natural progression for this site and be of significant benefit to potential commentators - and by extension massively improve the potential for meaningful feedback  

I can say, if Costessey wasn’t so far away I’d be going to their APM on Tuesday and asking  some very direct questions of that town council!

by (24.1k points)

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