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As the parish clerk I have the possibility of having to cancel an ordinary council meeting due to a lack of members attending.  I am not sure what the protocol is and whether I have to rearrange the meeting, or just wait until the next meeting, which will be the Annual Parish meeting a month later.
by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
It would appear that based on apologies tendered for the meeting the meeting is unable to be quorate and therefore cannot go ahead. It would be normal to arrange a date to which the required number of councillors CAN attend in quorate. You cannot await or transfer the meeting to the Annual Parish Meeting as this is NOT a Parish Council Meeting date.
by (29.0k points)
0 votes
“Technically” if the agenda and public notice have been issued, the meeting should be opened (by those present) a chair nominated if the chair / v chair is not present, and then the meeting declared closed on the basis of being inquorate.
If the agenda / public notice / summons has NOT been issued - post a notice of postponement.
by (26.2k points)

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