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I work for a Parish Council, and our Clerk has put in policies without getting the approval of The Council first, or informing staff of these new, or changed policies. Can he do this, or do all new policies, and policy changes have to go through The Council first?
by (120 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Policies need to be approved by council.  Whether this is full council or simply a committee probably depends upon your standing orders but it is usual for policies and changes to require full council approval.
by (22.3k points)
0 votes

The remit of the clerk is not to form or write policy that is for the full council to carry out. The clerks job is to facilitate and implement the wishes and instructions of the council. It could be that the clerk is delegated by council to pass on new polies or amendments to existing policy to other employees on behalf of the employer, council. 

by (29.0k points)
0 votes
What policies are you referring to? Being devil's advocate here, they might be policies required by law that have not been adopted by the council. They would be at fault and the clerk might have taken the view of setting the policies and then getting approval in order that the council doesn't fall foul of the law, internal or external auditor...
by (25.4k points)
Certainly agree that I would expect the clerk to advise what policies were required, make suggestions as to content, provide draft wording etc. but then for council to approve.

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