Sadly, I have been unable to make any progress on this issue, and it looks very much as though this grouping will turn out to be a very unhappy one, at least initially.
The Reorganisation Order makes it perfectly clear that the two current parish authorities (one a parish council, the other a parish meeting granted certain powers of a parish council) will be dissolved on 3 May, and that a new grouped parish council will be created on 4 May. The Order makes no provision under S.98(5)(b) of the 2007 Act for any transfer of staff to the new grouped parish council.
The current clerk and chair of the parish council to be dissolved nevertheless insist that their council is not being "dissolved", but is somehow to morph into the grouped council, which should not therefore be considered a "new" council, and its current clerk will automatically become the proper officer of the grouped council. She has therefore requested the bank to change the name on its account to that of the grouped council, and maintains that she and the Chair, who is standing for what she sees as re-election, will remain signatories to the account. Illogical though it may be, this interpretation of the Reorganisation Order has been agreed with the CEO of the local ALC, and the principal council's Monitoring Officer is content to let them get on with it.
Is this really local democracy in action?