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Can someone please quote the actual law for me that states a parish council must have a notice board. I can find lots of info stating about things to be put on notice boards but not if the board itself is a legal requirement. I have been through many statutes but cannot find any law relating to this.
I am a parish councillor and have been requesting a notice board since 2017.
related to an answer for: Notice boards - web sites Agenda
by (550 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Well the requirement states "shall be fixed in some conspicuous place in the parish". The legislation makes no reference to a noticeboard nor does it compel a council to own one. I suppose the obvious question would be what else to fix it to (Parish Office Window? or share another groups noticeboard?).
by (9.7k points)
Thank you.
Myself and another councillor have been asking for a notice board for years and aare always voted against.
We decided to look for an actual law to use to enforce our council to provide our residents with one. Sad that a law does not exist.
+1 vote

Can someone please quote the actual law for me that states a parish council must have a notice board. 

No - there isn’t one!

Complete a written motion, include as much justification detail as possible and submit to clerk for inclusion on the agenda. 

The council will discuss it and either agree or reject the concept. 

by (23.6k points)
Thank you very much.

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