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Feeling stupid but struggling to complete the candidate form for the Parish elections on 4 May. Can someone be a proposer or seconder for more than one candidate? Can a proposer or seconder also be a witness and/or another candidate?
by (300 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Was told by our Elections Office that anyone who is on the appropriate electoral roll can propose or second as many applicants as there are seats.  So if your council has five seats, the same individuals can propose or second up to five applicants but not six or more.  My local elections office has stated that they will withdraw the forms if they find the same proposer or seconder for more than the number of seats available but I couldn't say if that has the backing of legislation or indeed if they are actually likely to recognise that this has happened.  I'm being careful to ask mine how many they've signed!

A candidate can propose or second another candidate provided they are also on the relevant electoral roll.
by (23.2k points)
Thanks for this; candidates being able to propose and/or second other candidates makes things simpler (useful when some existing councillors dont need much to dissuade them from standing again...)
The "legislation" is contained in the rules published by the Electoral Commission, but I don't know what lies behind that.

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