The clerk has made an informal grievance against me for a sentence in an email they have taken offence to. They asked me what I meant and I sent a response with a mea culpa for poorly explained first sentence....
The Chair wants me to come to an informal meeting to discuss and has sent me the sentence - which is wholly innocuous. I have not consented to the meeting (I have a busy work life) on the grounds that they have not given me the details of the grievance. They keep writing back saying the sentence is the grievance BUT I cannot understand the problem with the sentence and they will not explain what is wrong with it? It is not blasphemous, libellous, defamatory, sexist, racist, misogynistic or disrespectful.
In the course of an email exchange about a proposed comms & media policy which had a troublesome paragraph (see previous question I have posted) - I wrote in response to another councillor (all cllrs were copied in on the thread) this comment wasn't even addressed to the clerk?
....There is the potential if picked up by the press that this paragraph could cause the council embarrassment and even more so if picked up nationally as per the gravestone issue.
The gravestone issue refers to embarrassment caused to other councils nationally re laying down of gravestones that press was poor reference to this example in my sentence.
I am at a loss as to what is the issue - what should I do?