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Our assistant clerk will be taking some time off work due to a health condition. One of our councillors is insisting that they come into our office and step in, in the deputy clerk’s absence. Is it correct that this would be acceptable as long as full council have agreed? There may be some minor administrative tasks that the councillor could support with such as sending emails, apart from this I’m pretty ok to be left to manage (at least for now). It would take more of my time to teach them what they needed to do so I may as well just do it myself. The chair is adamant that this is not allowed and they must not have access to our emails (I think the reason for this is the councillor wanting to help might have ulterior motives for wanting to be in the office).
For clarification I’m the clerk and RFO.
What are your thoughts? Thanks
by (280 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
a) The Councillor cannot insist

b) the Council, on the back of a formal resolution to that effect, can insist.

c) in making its decision the council ought to take account of your view on the matter.
by (11.3k points)
And where is the clerk in all this?

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