The budget working group met, 6 members of the council out of 9. Another member of the council turned down the opportunity. Meeting as a working group means we meet on a zoom meeting as that way the clerk could share his screen so we can see the effect on the spreadsheet when we suggest changes. All 6 agreed with the budget proposal. However when it was circulated the councillor who had refused to join the group persuaded a member of the working group that the budget wouldn't work so it was not accepted. Precept setting was delayed to the next meeting and the only worked draft budget available was the original. The basic spreadsheet had been shared so that anyone produce their own draft budget. Noone did, Our locum clerk had said previously that we can agree setting the precept without having an agreed budget. One councillor was absent and one councillor had changed his mind so the precept was set without any budget figures. Even now, a month on there is no agreed budget for next year. I don't know how are locum RFO will be able to produce accounts without budget headings. Anyway is it true you can just set a precept without a budget?