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0 votes
village hall charity trustees are managment commitee old school now village hall in parish (charity parish) council as trustees  40 year lease coming to an end at a pepercorn of £1 a year  , council did not consult with the hall trustees engaged a solicitor without any quotations on price drafted a lease no consultation and insist hall must pay the bill regardless

all done by a council working group who are suspected of trying to charge a commercial rent the clerk will not confirm if any councillor was given charity deeds or old lease  they will not disclose any discussions or if they sought or have taken   advice sought from the solicitor re changing the rent and yet insist councillors agree to the issue of the bills regardless of any knowledge ,clerk will not allow release of any information clerk is standing for ward councillor as is another member of the lease working group  so seems they trying to keep hiden until after may election
by (1.1k points)
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3 Answers

+1 vote
Who are the parties to the lease? Who owns the building?
by (58.4k points)
parish charity owns the hall parish council are trusteess the building gifted in 1982 from east riding  a seperate charity manages the village hall the
the parish council via the parish charity did not discuss with the village hall charity who are the lesses  either selection of new solcitor , they did not ask any solicitor for a price to register the land or produce the lease  they intend to just send the bill to the village hall charity who run it with no discvussion at all
0 votes
What would happen if the Trustees called the Councils bluff and refused to sign ?
Where someone provides a service to the community you’d expect the Council to engage with the providers early in the process

It’s not unusual for information especially legal advice to be withheld from Councillors as in many areas Clerks become more and more omnipotent
by (12.7k points)
you seem to have hit the nail very much on the head it seems some clerks are brilliant  others feel that they can do what they want and keep councillors in the dark to grow mushrooms
0 votes
Hi  Get in contact with Acre, who will have an answer.
by (2.5k points)
thank you i will do so
yes i contacted them and await a response
I phoned the local branch (In Lincolnshire) and had a good chat about it all when we had our troubles

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