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At the moment we do not have it on our agenda but a councillor has asked to include it the clerk does not wanted it and said it is bad practice
by (2.2k points)

3 Answers

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Personally, It's inclusion is dreadful practise that just encourages the tedious vicar of dibley esque contributions that the sector needs to consign to the history books once and for all. Its inclusion elsewhere regularly leads to them either jumping into things and making unlawful decisions or just spending 45 minutes going round in circles making a complete spectacle of themselves. Some will argue that providing no decisions are taken as part of the agenda item its fine... by my view is its distraction and focus must be on decision making items not providing talking shop. I am clear we are a council not a social club.. (I dont care how the cricket team got on, how mrs browns allotment etc)
by (10.1k points)
0 votes
For both councillors and the public to know what is to be discussed and agreed at a meeting there needs to be clarity on the agenda and "matters arising", just like "any other business" are not clear enough so yes, considered inappropriate for a council agenda.  However, a follow up on decisions taken at a previous meeting can be helpful.  Some councils allocate a specific agenda item as a follow up along the lines of "update on xyz" which is best practice but can make for a rather dauntingly long agenda.  Others use something along the lines of "clerk's report" so that the clerk can report on actions that he/she has done to complete the decisions taken at the previous meeting, provided it is recognised that no decisions can be taken unless that decision is clearly identified on the agenda.
by (22.1k points)
0 votes
Agreement with others that it is very bad "undefined and open ended" discussion point. Very good to have updates on previous meeting matters and to focus thoughts further finish with items for future ( next meeting) consideration- That gives the clerk food for the next agenda
by (28.8k points)

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