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Following on from previous questions about the Annual Parish Meeting, our meetings have followed the same pattern for many years. Any organisation which has received funding from the Parish Council is invited to give an overview of how the money has been used etc and the Parish Council chair gives an overview of the year too. It is very dull and generally avoided by anyone who doesn't need to be there.
What do others do? It would be great to invigorate it, but we are a very small Parish Council without any major concerns or issues which might unite the community and get them into our draughty village hall for the evening.
by (2.9k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Good to hear you don’t have major concerns or issues which would spark interest! Difficult to get positive engagement isn’t it, which is such a shame as everyone should feel positive about being invited to attend, speak and listen to the good things communities are doing around them…probably without even realising it! Any tips on positive engagement welcome!
by (500 points)
0 votes
One of my Parish Councils arranged a Defib training course as part of the assembly - 6 people turned up - better than the year before - 1 person turned up (other than the Parish Councillors)

Another one arranges strong refreshments and nibbles.

We have managed to drag our MP in once.
Community safety / Police officer / Emergency planning to discuss anything .

However its notable that attendance does seem to drop off as the years pass - lack of interest ,  the change in generation that used to be involved in all things parish  ?

Hold an ordinary meeting after the parish Assembly.
Similar We invite all clubs , all benficeries etc Some send in advance , some don't turn up.
by (3.0k points)
0 votes
We invite speakers, as others have suggested. Local Police Inspector, County Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator, District Emergency Planning Officer, ACRE Community-Led Housing Officer, Village Hall/Community Centre Chair, the Parish Charity or another local funder, any senior Council officer leading on something currently relevant to the parishes, all village groups and organisations etc. We do a typical AGM-style presentation about the work of the Council and its finances. We tend to avoid politicians, as this can be counter-productive.

Throw in a no-holds-barred Q&A session and hot drinks and nice biscuits and it works for us!
by (58.4k points)

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