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In the spirit of collaboration and to promote a closer working arrangement we have asked that the working group formed between our Parish council and the Residents association be chaired alternately by a member of the association and a councillor.

We have been told that as budget holders the chairman would always have to be a Parish councillor - is this correct?
by (140 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Our pc structure policy states a councillor must chair the working party
by (2.2k points)
edited by
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If there is a budget allocated to the subject of the working party then a councillor should be chair.  I would be unhappy with there being a working party led by a non-councillor that is 'representing' an elected body.

I'm a little concerned that there is a budget in the first place as elected councillors can spend the precept throught the legal channels but not unelected residents.

The working party should table resolutions to spend the budget to the formal council for the decision and and only councillors can request agenda items.

So you can see a bit of clarification is needed please.
by (25.5k points)
In our pc committee structure. It states the working party is set up in order to research a particular matter and to provide options , any potential costs and a final recommendation for a resolution at full council. These meetings will not require formal minutes or take any decisions but will provide a final outcome/ report for the attention of the council
0 votes
The requirements of a working group or party formed by a PC needs to be checked out as they have no powers as such as by definition are set up ( but committee or council) to investigate a matter and report back to council or committee for decision making. If there is money involved from the PC then how about a PC committee upon which residents sit and vote? headed by a councillor as chair?
by (29.2k points)

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